Page Content Operations and Maintenance | SHRP2 Solutions offer numerous websites, training, and tools to enhance the operational and maintenance capability of your transportation agency. - An array of resources to support the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) community
- Interactive tools for six operations program areas, including traffic management, traffic incident management, road weather management, planned special events, works zone management, and traffic signal management
- Training opportunities through FHWA’s Traffic Incident Management Program
- Preservation options for heavily traveled roadways
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- NOCoE (National Operations Center of Excellence)– Website offering a suite of resources to serve the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) community, including technical services such as peer exchange workshops and webinars, ongoing assessments of best practices in the field, and on-call assistance. Built on the work conducted in Framework for Improving Travel-Time Reliability (L17), a resource to manage and improve traffic operations and travel-time reliability.
- Organizing for Reliability is a set of processes and tools that helps agencies assess their TSMO programs and implement changes to technical and business processes that will enhance their ability to manage unexpected congestion. (L01/L06)
- National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training Program -- This multi-disciplinary training program is available for all emergency responders and those supporting Traffic Incident Management (TIM) operations. Used both in the classroom and online, the training brings together police, firefighters, State and local departments of transportation, towing, medical personnel, and other incident responders, leading to a safer, faster, integrated responder team. (L12/L32A/L32B) FHWA’s TIM program page: https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/eto_tim_pse/about/tim.htm.
- Data and Tools for Reliability Analysis: During implementation, several of the products listed below were combined and have been integrated into various FHWA-Reliability platforms. The factsheet linked here briefly describes each one.
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- Improving Coordination with Utilities (R01A, R01B, R15B) – Technologies to help crews retrieve, store, and use data on the location of underground utilities.
- Guidelines for the Preservation of High-Traffic-Volume Roadways – An array of tools and techniques to help determine the best options for extending pavement life. The suite includes Just-in-Time Training that can be used by maintenance workers to determine best type of approach to replacing pavements. (R26)
- rePave (now an AASHTOware product; formerly Pavement Renewal Solutions) – Design and construction guidelines for long-life pavements (R23); now also available as an AASHTOWare product, included with the Pavement ME Design package
- Precast Concrete Pavement – Tools to match pavement installation options to projects, specifications for design, fabrication, and installation (R05)
- Performance Specifications for Rapid Renewal – Specifications to reduce claims and inspection costs and accelerate construction of aging infrastructure (R07)
- New Composite Pavement Systems – Practical recommendations for construction specifications and techniques, life-cycle costs, quality management procedures and training materials. (R21)